Today we hear from QUU CEO Steve Newberry about why he goes to CES every year, how he attacks the monster event and why he believes more radio executives need to attend.
Radio Ink: Why is it important to be at CES?
Steve Newberry: Over the last decade, I believe two trends have become increasingly apparent for radio’s future. Instead of AM/FM signals going to radio receivers, we are now delivering content over a variety of platforms on an entirely new array of devices. To be prepared for radio’s future opportunities, I believe I should be aware of what platforms, devices and trends are coming next and how radio can take advantage of those trends to maintain and build our audiences.
Second, the simple radio is a vanishing device. Since our content is being delivered through consumer products of all types, we should look for how that may impact listener interactions and experiences. I think CES is the best place to see consumer trends in general. What new appliances will be in the kitchen? What new automotive features are evolving? What will the next generation of telephones feature? The list goes on and on. All of those consumer decisions will impact radio, so let’s discover as much as we can.
Radio Ink: For those going, what should be expected?
Steve Newberry: I believe the 2022 CES experience may be even better than previous years because it won’t be so heavily populated. Last time I attended in 2020, there were over 150,000 attendees and that is just overwhelming if you’re not prepared. Come to absorb and keep on open mind to what you’ll see. Don’t be too quick to judge whether a technology will succeed or not, because chances are the new ideas/concepts you see will morph a lot before they are widespread. Just take in the show, look for trends and think about how broadcasting can play a key role in the future.
Radio Ink: Why do you believe it’s important for more radio executives to go to CES?
Steve Newberry: Broadcasting is not an island. We need to be aware of what is attracting the attention and time of consumers, and we cannot be content in our status quo. CES is a great show to get the macro view of what is attracting the interest and attention of our listeners in every facet of their lives. This is my 10th CES, and as time evolves you start to see trends. The most basic answer to your question is to be educated about what will be affecting our consumers and how they will listen to our products.
Radio Ink: What are you hoping to get out of your visit to the show this year?
Steve Newberry: For the past several years, I’ve been on the Jacobs tour and I’m doing that again this year. It’s the highlight of CES for me because they have curated what is most pertinent to our sector and have exhibitors ready to discuss with our group. It is usually a great variety of broadcasters on the tour, so it combines new info with the ability to react and explore those new ideas with colleagues. I’ll discover lots of other ideas on my own, but this tour makes the trip worthwhile.
Radio Ink: What is your game plan to attack CES? What vendors/companies do you want to visit for sure?
Steve Newberry: On my first trip to CES, a friend suggested I focus on three tactics so I didn’t get overwhelmed and I still use this approach. Have some pre-set appointments to make sure you connect with your most important relationships, spend one day just roaming the floor to take in the new ideas/trends and spend the last day going back to dig in deeper on what you were most intrigued with. Just come to absorb and keep on open mind to what you’ll see.